Yes, this is the real thing.
No, we were not allowed to touch it.
I never found a good time at the end of last season, but I really wanted to say thank you to you guys. Last season was really hard for me, both for the obvious reason, and also because I had a lot of demands on my time. Making it out to practice and tournaments was not easy from either a logistical or emotional perspective.
However, as much as I would have liked to have experienced the 2010 season as a rostered player, I feel like many, many players on the team went out of their way to express appreciation and make me feel like I was still an important and valuable part of the team. That starts from the captains, but applies to everyone who gave me a hug on tournament morning or shot me an email Sunday night to say thanks for helping out. You guys making me feel like I was contributing to the team's success and letting me be there as a member of the team really helped me feel like I made the right decision in taking the role that I did.
At the start of the 2010 season, I had only one goal: help Mischief make it back to Nationals (where we -- choice of pronoun intentional -- belong). Thank you for letting me achieve that goal. It wasn't exactly how I would have written the end of my playing career, but looking back, I'm grateful for all the opportunities I've had, 2010 included. I wish you guys the very best of luck in 2011 and beyond.